And from it he had learned that working yourself rarely succeeds, instead having working others for you would be the key. The MA CEO had got a present for birthday - "Ways to Knowledge and Wealth, for Dummies", a book of the well known author "Scrooge McDrake".
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), and finally decided to buy the most expensive, most untried, most far from the demands, but most hyped game engine they could find: CryEngine2.Īfter they had the CryEngine2 development & registration DVD delivered to the above mentioned coding slave, together with some Gigabytes of powerpoint presentations specifying the demand, and a small letter specifying the punishment shouldn't it been met, they went on to "the next big thing (tm)" - the planets. So those upper administrative people (that never coded even a "Hello World" in Visual Basic) at MA had a lot of meetings, drowned each other in powerpoint presentations, summoned a lot of game engine company's representatives to drown them with even more powerpoint presentations, traveled around the world to visit exhibitions (preferably at places with sunny weather and exotic hookers.
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They didn't even consider that maybe their one and only coding slave, hijacked from India & held prison in the basement near the server hamsters, might: After long brainstorms of the upper administrative people (that never coded even a "Hello World" in Visual Basic) it was decided this was because of the Gamebryo engine. MA has, once before ages, seen that the graphics of EU was crappy. Click to expand.My theory (may contain some grains of truth, beware!):